MoldWiz INTERNAL LUBRICANT OVERVIEW based on Pultrusion RESIN Category
Polyester / Vinyl Ester Epoxy Phenolic Hybrid Resin  
INT-PS125 INT-1846 INT-1850HT INT-PS125  
INT-PUL-315LPA INT-1890M   INT-54  
INT-PUL12     INT-1866  
INT-PS140     INT-DCP220  
For Polyurethane or Thermoplastic Pultrusion:
Contact Our Technical Support Group at 800-332-AXEL or email: [email protected]
Product Active Ingredients Specific Gravity @ 25°C Viscocity @ 25°C PH
INT-PS125 100 % 0.990 160 - 280 cps 2.0
INT-PS140 100 % 0.988 1000 - 1300 cps 6.5
INT-PUL12 100 % 0.948 200 - 300 cps 7.5
INT-PUL14 100 % 0.964 280 - 480 cps 4.5
INT-PUL24 100 % 0.962 100 - 180 cps 4.3
INT-PUL-315LPA* 100 % 1.01 < 100 cps 4.5
INT-54 100 % 0.89 500 - 1100 cps N/A
INT-1846N 100 % 1.05 400 - 1200 cps 7.0 (in 10% H20)
INT-1846 100 % 0.986 200 - 600 cps 2.0 (in 10% H20)
INT-1850HT 100 % 1.02 250 - 450 cps 2.0 (in 10% H20)
INT-1866 100 % 0.95 100 - 160 cps 9.0
INT-1890M 100 % 0.994 250 - 650 cps 6.5
INT-DCP220 100 % 0.932 130 - 170 cps 4.0

*Specially formulated for resin systems which employ poly vinyl acetate as a LPA (low profile additive)

MoldWiz Internal Mold Releases (IMR's) for Pultrusion are easily miscible in resin and stay in solution in resin baths. AXEL's wide choice of IMR's assures a compatible choice for every resin and catalyst system. In Pultrusion, MoldWiz internal mold releases are effective within a range of .50 to 2.0% based on resin weight. For best results, laboratory tests or pre-production trials should determine the optimum addition level.

The products in this website are just a sampling of the hundreds of internal and external release agents and process aid additives that AXEL manufactures. If you don’t see what you need, call us. Chances are we already have a product that is just right. If not, we can custom formulate to meet your exact requirements.

All AXEL products are formulated from raw materials that comply with the chemical substance inventory lists of TOSCA, DSL, MITI, EINECS, Australia & Korea.

To learn how a MoldWiz® and/or XTEND™ product can improve your production and profits, call AXEL’s technical service representatives at (800) 332-AXEL or (718) 672-8300 for a free sample to meet your specific needs.

Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc.
Box 77 0855, Woodside, NY 11377 USA
Tel: (718) 672-8300 • Fax: (718) 565-7447
E-mail: [email protected]


©2002 Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc.